Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Watching the finish line

Only six more days to the winter solstice. Amazing how that particular date looms like a psychic finish line: persevere through the gradual descent into winter darkness to this point – the very heart that we are currently immersed in – until the 21st when the trend is reversed and the day begins to lengthen once more. Strange how that particular day, though not perceivably lighter than those around it, offers a sense of respite and relief. The subconscious knows that from that point on we begin to advance into daylight, which will peak in those glorious summer days when the sun does not set. And breathes a sigh of relief.

Þvörusleikir, or Spoon Licker. This one made mischief by sneaking into the houses and licking the wooden spoons that were used to stir the contents of the pots. Now you have to picture the Icelandic homes in those days – a mere century ago! – farmhouses built of turf, stone and wood, hugging the ground, with the people sleeping two-to-a-bed for warmth, often above the livestock’s quarters. There may have been miles and miles to the next farm, and outside only the winter darkness and the relentless struggle against the weather. Incredible to think that people actually survived, to say nothing of having the imagination to construct a bunch of little Yule Lads that crept in and annoyed them with their antics!

Bloody Cold! Went for one of my customary bakery runs along the seashore and froze me ears off, despite the very sensible presence of a hat. ‘Twas the wind that was to blame – temps are currently listed as –4 degrees but with the windchill factor I reckon we can lower that by about 10 or 15 deg. Storm warning in effect for tonight (yikes! Speaking of windchill…). Sunrise was at 11.17; sunset 15.29.