Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Days of Our Lives

I blogged about bóndadagur [otherwise known as feed-your-man-putrid-shark-day] and I blogged about bleedin’ Valentine’s Day, but did I blog about my special day? No! And why not? Because I was Too Damn Busy!

My Special Day [otherwise known as konudagur, or woman’s day] was last Sunday. [For some reason man’s day always falls on a Friday, while woman’s day always falls on a Sunday. Coincidence? - Er, probably not.]

Anyway, EPI did not bring me breakfast in bed. This is because I feel that beds are not for eating breakfast in. Unless you’re an invalid, which I am not. I prefer the good old kitchen table for eating breakfast – although I don’t mind in the least somebody preparing the breakfast for me. In any case, there was no breakfast in bed because when I woke up [around 10 o’clock] EPI was already in the other room, busily painting the ceiling that I had so dreaded having to paint [on account of having a whiplash injury, which makes painting ceilings even more painful than having a mammogram.]

BUT after we’d gone for a run together, EPI did make breakfast. And then he went off to work. [Yes, work. On a Sunday. Welcome to Iceland.] And then he came home from work bearing long-stemmed roses. And made dinner. And was his usual wonderful, warm, loving, funny self [gush gush] and so it was all good.

OK now I’ve blogged about this and can turn to other more pressing matters, such as:

Eddie Izzard is coming to Iceland and tickets went on sale today at 10 am. The show sold out eight minutes later, with all 800 tickets sold. [That’s 100 a minute, in case you don’t have a calculator handy.] Is this man popular?

Oh, and the Icelandic government has decided to award Bobby Fisher a special sort of “foreigners’ passport” [which for all I know they’ve made up for this occasion, ‘cause I’ve never before heard of such a thing]. His cheering section is flying off to Japan this weekend to try to Bring Him Home. We shall see how that goes [the Japanese have been just a little short of cooperative until now] and start bracing ourselves for Bobby’s rants and insults in advance.

And still have. The megawatt brightness of a few days ago has been obliterated by THICK FOG that has enveloped the city for the past three days. Domestic flights are all in a muddle with Reykjavík airport closed for the better part of this period. Which is a Good Thing, because we sure wouldn’t want any miscalculations there. Seeing as how the airport is right smack dab in the middle of the city and bordered by residential areas. Currently temps are 2 degrees Celsius [36.5 F]. Sunrise was at 8.59 and sunset at 18.25. [Although this makes little difference ‘cause we can’t see much anyway.]