Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Dream job

Can you believe that there are actually people in Iceland who get paid for sitting at some remote outpost somewhere, going outside five times a day and checking on the weather?

OK, I'll grant that remote means REMOTE. Say in the outback, stuck in between a couple of glaciers, where helicopters bring you supplies in the winter, your only abode is a teeny-weeny house and there's tundra all around. But think of the books you could read! Or the books you could write! Or the weblogs you could read and write! Or the amount of time you could spend gazing at your navel!

YT is on the wrong shelf.*

I'm up early today and unlike a proper weather surveillance person have yet to venture outside. However, I can tell you that it is currently snowing. Big big yummy flakes. Comin' down pretty hard, too, and sticking to windshields but thankfully not to the ground. Weatherman says we're in for a storm later - whoo-hoo! Storms are always fun and do a good job of breaking up the monotony [as if we need that up here]. Daybreak today was at 5.40 and nightfall will be at 21.23; and just for a larf here are the sunrise/sunset times, too: 6.31 and 20.32.

* Icelandic expression.