More name dropping ahead
As previously documented, the Rich and Famous have begun descending on our shores with all their little quirks and eccentricities. Take f’rinstance Iron Maiden, who played a concert here two evenings ago. I love the fact that their lead singer is a professional pilot and used to fly for Iceland Express. So it would follow that he flew himself over here, along with 190 of his friends, fans and entourage, while the band’s drummer was the air steward. How groovy is that?
Meanwhile, Young Icelanders are all aflutter over the upcoming Snoop Dogg concert in July. Camping out for tickets and whatnot. Yesterday, apparently, Snoop presented his list of demands for the concert and, well, they’re nothing if not modest. His only Absolute Must is that he have a basketball court on which to warm up prior to the concert. That’s a helluva lot easier to accommodate I should think than, say, Diana Krall, whose demands included that all her food should be organic and/or specially imported, her sheets and towels should all be a certain colour… agh, I can’t recall the details but I do remember that One Could But Shake One’s Head.
And yes, it has now been confirmed that the Clint Eastwood/Steven Spielberg flick Flags of Our Fathers will, in fact, be shot on location in Iceland [or at least some of it – they need black sand beaches, and we have black sand beaches in abundance]. Clint is due to arrive in July but as yet it is not confirmed which other luminous personages shall be involved. And as you will recall from this post, our man Clint has requested modest accommodation and no fanfare. Which evidently is one of the reasons the rich and famous like Iceland – because when encountering them in, say, the Blue Lagoon, most Icelanders try to pretend they’re not even there, as though their presence is a source of some embarrassment. The analysis of which might require a separate post altogether.
A totally unrelated aside: loyal readers will recall a post a while back in which YT donned her Power Suit and held a workshop for young upstarts who needed help presenting their wares in English. Well, one of those young upstart companies, True North, has landed the production contract for the Eastwood/Spielberg film – here in Iceland. Score!
Here in the capital we have moderate winds from the west and overcast skies, with temps from 8-13°C. Haven’t been out yet, but that looks pretty accurate. The sun came up at 03.05 this morning and is set to go down at 23.51 this evening.
Meanwhile, Young Icelanders are all aflutter over the upcoming Snoop Dogg concert in July. Camping out for tickets and whatnot. Yesterday, apparently, Snoop presented his list of demands for the concert and, well, they’re nothing if not modest. His only Absolute Must is that he have a basketball court on which to warm up prior to the concert. That’s a helluva lot easier to accommodate I should think than, say, Diana Krall, whose demands included that all her food should be organic and/or specially imported, her sheets and towels should all be a certain colour… agh, I can’t recall the details but I do remember that One Could But Shake One’s Head.
And yes, it has now been confirmed that the Clint Eastwood/Steven Spielberg flick Flags of Our Fathers will, in fact, be shot on location in Iceland [or at least some of it – they need black sand beaches, and we have black sand beaches in abundance]. Clint is due to arrive in July but as yet it is not confirmed which other luminous personages shall be involved. And as you will recall from this post, our man Clint has requested modest accommodation and no fanfare. Which evidently is one of the reasons the rich and famous like Iceland – because when encountering them in, say, the Blue Lagoon, most Icelanders try to pretend they’re not even there, as though their presence is a source of some embarrassment. The analysis of which might require a separate post altogether.
A totally unrelated aside: loyal readers will recall a post a while back in which YT donned her Power Suit and held a workshop for young upstarts who needed help presenting their wares in English. Well, one of those young upstart companies, True North, has landed the production contract for the Eastwood/Spielberg film – here in Iceland. Score!
Here in the capital we have moderate winds from the west and overcast skies, with temps from 8-13°C. Haven’t been out yet, but that looks pretty accurate. The sun came up at 03.05 this morning and is set to go down at 23.51 this evening.
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