Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Popular bollocks

Apparently, the most popular type of food consumed during the month of Þorri here in Iceland are the soured ram's testicles. Who knew? Certainly not YT, who balks at the idea of eating them, and this despite the fact that she does not call everything her grandmother* on the putrid-food front.

Thus I'm sure you will be relieved to know that there are plenty to go around this year, or so claims a front-page report in yesterday's Fréttablaðið. Evidently there was a bit of a shortage last year, though, prompting a paper in the US to display this headline: ICELAND SUFFERS FROM SHORTAGE OF TESTICLES.

So. How much is enough? Well, apparently the Icelandic nation [all 300,000 of it] consumes some 200,000 testes - around 20 tons - over the month and there's enough to cover that. Just. Happily there will not be a surplus, either. According to Fréttablaðið.

While the rest of Europe freezes its collective testes off, we the Nicelanders are experiencing a heatwave. Well, maybe not a heatwave. But comparatively speaking. Highs of 6-9°C today, currently 7°C. Almost all the snow, which we had in such great magnitude just a few days ago, has disappeared. Which makes YT exceedingly happy because running conditions are prime. Yowsa. The sun came up at 10.29 and will set at 16.52.

* An Icelandic expression, 'Að kalla ekki allt ömmu sína', meaning that the person in question is a tough cookie: 'She doesn't call everything her grandmother, ohno!'