Friday, August 04, 2006

Quote of the day

"Personally I don't like her latest records that much. The Sugarcubes were awesome, Debut was awesome, Post was ok, and after that it all sort of started to wear a little thin."

-- Sindri Eldon, offspring of Most Famous Icelander Ever, on his mother's music in an interview with Blaðið [p.37] [warning: link is pdf.]

Incidentally, this is probably the most harmless opinion he has. The kid has totally embraced the role of the Angry Young Man and spouts venom at any available opportunity.

As Icelanders head out in droves to any of the various outdoor festivals around the country this weekend, we're looking at wet wet wet weather for most of it in the most popular areas [read: Westman Islands, where the biggest, baddest, meanest mutha of a festival is held each year.] This weekend, Icelanders are divided into two camps - those who stay in town and those that do not. The former are definitely in the minority, but most of them are religious about this annual ritual because the city takes on a completely different atmosphere. Meaning everything is so wonderfully relaxed that it feels like a small town in southern Europe somewhere [unsurprising, since probably about 2/3 of the population are gone]. Ah, bliss. Currently 12°C with drizzle [heheheh to all those fools planning to sleep in tents for the next four days] and light winds from the south. Sunrise was at 04.43 and sunset due for 22.22.