Untitled post befitting my tremendous importance as an Artiste, in which I mention my second blogaversary
Being a lazy bum, I did not get out to see any of a) the Iceland Airwaves festival, b) the Sequences festival c) the Canadian cultural festival, all of which were on simultaneously this weekend.
Not so old Harrison Ford, who turned up on the cube last Thursday, went to dinner at Austur Indía fjélagið [like he always does when here, I'm starting to think the man has no sense of adventure], then got himself a pass to the Airwaves festival and spent the rest of the evening crusing the various venues, checking out bands.
Puts the rest of us to shame, does it not?
In my own defense I submit that, not being [quite] of the same fame caliber as old Harrison, I would have been relegated to the kilometer-length lineups outside the best places with the rest of the commoners - not my idea of a fun time on Friday night. [Which may surprise you, as standing in line outside bars on Friday and Saturday nights in the freezing cold seems to be inbred in most Icelanders and an indispensable part of their weekend routine]. Whereas HF, by virtue of his VIP status, cruised to the front of each line before being escorted inside like royalty.
As for the other two festivals... let's just say that an event billed as "an international crossmedia festival in Reykjavik with the focus on time based art phenomena" [Sequences] isn't quite up my tree. As for the Canadian festival... no excuse there. In fact at this very moment I could be listening to old Michael Ondaatje read from his works and then viewing The English Patient for free, but instead I am here at the computer writing about how lazy I am to be missing it. Which, come to think of it, is kinda "time based art phenomena" and makes me think that perhaps I'm really a tremendously significant Artiste in my own right and deserve my own billing at the Sequences festival next year.
I'm so lazy, in fact, that I couldn't be bothered to blog on my SECOND BLOGAVERSARY! that was last, um... [when?]... Friday. Yes dear readers, two full years of inane drivel interspersed with profound lucidity with the odd Weather Report thrown in. Ah, how the time flies!
It's been beautiful these last few days. Thursday we drove up to Borganes for the evening as my brother in law was celebrating his 50th and invited us all to a great play based on Egils Saga, which if truth be told had more in common with storytelling than actual theatrics and was presented in a space that had more in common with an old Icelandic baðstofa than a theatre. Kind of like what blogging is to literature, I couldn't help thinking. By virtue of its incredibly talented performer it was truly excellent and made for a most entertaining evening. And no, that has nothing to do with the weather, except to say that the weather was very cold but extremely beautiful. Yesterday was sunny and gorgeous, and today is the same, if a little cold. Currently4°C , sunrise was at 08.38 and sunset due for 17.45.
PS. Despite me being lazy and all that, you are welcome to wish me happy second blogaversary. I won't be offended.
Not so old Harrison Ford, who turned up on the cube last Thursday, went to dinner at Austur Indía fjélagið [like he always does when here, I'm starting to think the man has no sense of adventure], then got himself a pass to the Airwaves festival and spent the rest of the evening crusing the various venues, checking out bands.
Puts the rest of us to shame, does it not?
In my own defense I submit that, not being [quite] of the same fame caliber as old Harrison, I would have been relegated to the kilometer-length lineups outside the best places with the rest of the commoners - not my idea of a fun time on Friday night. [Which may surprise you, as standing in line outside bars on Friday and Saturday nights in the freezing cold seems to be inbred in most Icelanders and an indispensable part of their weekend routine]. Whereas HF, by virtue of his VIP status, cruised to the front of each line before being escorted inside like royalty.
As for the other two festivals... let's just say that an event billed as "an international crossmedia festival in Reykjavik with the focus on time based art phenomena" [Sequences] isn't quite up my tree. As for the Canadian festival... no excuse there. In fact at this very moment I could be listening to old Michael Ondaatje read from his works and then viewing The English Patient for free, but instead I am here at the computer writing about how lazy I am to be missing it. Which, come to think of it, is kinda "time based art phenomena" and makes me think that perhaps I'm really a tremendously significant Artiste in my own right and deserve my own billing at the Sequences festival next year.
I'm so lazy, in fact, that I couldn't be bothered to blog on my SECOND BLOGAVERSARY! that was last, um... [when?]... Friday. Yes dear readers, two full years of inane drivel interspersed with profound lucidity with the odd Weather Report thrown in. Ah, how the time flies!
It's been beautiful these last few days. Thursday we drove up to Borganes for the evening as my brother in law was celebrating his 50th and invited us all to a great play based on Egils Saga, which if truth be told had more in common with storytelling than actual theatrics and was presented in a space that had more in common with an old Icelandic baðstofa than a theatre. Kind of like what blogging is to literature, I couldn't help thinking. By virtue of its incredibly talented performer it was truly excellent and made for a most entertaining evening. And no, that has nothing to do with the weather, except to say that the weather was very cold but extremely beautiful. Yesterday was sunny and gorgeous, and today is the same, if a little cold. Currently4°C , sunrise was at 08.38 and sunset due for 17.45.
PS. Despite me being lazy and all that, you are welcome to wish me happy second blogaversary. I won't be offended.
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