Monday, April 09, 2007

Tough one

As a consequence of recent events, which I cannot blog about out of consideration for those affected, this has been one of the toughest Easter holidays ever. An trauma like that one that occurred has a rippling effect - it's incredible how it can affect people only remotely connected with the deceased. As most of us know, holidays can be especially hard for those who are bereaved, and those close to the bereaved can easily be caught up in the ripples - which these last few days have seemed more like waves. Keeping our head above water has sometimes felt like a full-time job. Plans have been thwarted, people's emotions spun out of control, and one wonders whether grief erases all accountability - if a person who is bereaved behaves very poorly towards those who in no way deserve it, does the bad behaviour count? Certainly the bereaved person needs someplace to direct his or her grief and anger - but what about the feelings of those who have been unjustly treated? Where should they go? Should the incident be ignored, as if it never happened?

One trauma, and a hundred ripples. And I'm talking riddles and shall now stop.

And it's been raining buckets today. Except when it's been hailing. We've had lots of precipitation this Easter, and what with global warming and everything it's no longer the so-called Páskahret ['spate of Easter snow' - because the last snow of the season often occurs around Easter] but rather Páskaregn [Easter rain]. I went for a run today and got soaked; in fact I went for a run yesterday and got soaked. Sure hope spring hurries up and gets here - literally and metaphorically. In fact, a trip to a southern locale is starting to seem not only attractive but positively essential to my mental health. Current temps 4°C [39F], sunrise 6:19 am, sunset 20:42 pm.