Monday, July 02, 2007

YT and EPI scale Mt. Esja

Today EPI and I strapped on our hiking boots on and joined the hoardes trekking up Mt. Esja, our beloved mountain across the bay. It's a great hike which is clearly becoming more popular each year, as this was actually the first time ever that we had to search for a parking space at the foot of the mountain. Meanwhile, the path up and down was almost like Laugavegur on a busy Saturday.

But no matter: it was yet another a gorgeous day and the sun shone brilliantly, bringing the colours of the wildflowers to life and generally sending its happy rays our way. About two-thirds of the way up we flopped out in our favourite grassy hollow and just soaked it up until clouds passed over and it was time to embark on the steepest part to the summit.

Just before you get to the top there is a section with very steep cliffs where poles become redundant and some proper hands-on climbing is finally required. Many people are intimidated by that part - to me, it's the absolute raisin at the end of the hot dog*. EPI claims it's because I'm a Capricorn and he may be right; all I know is that it gives me immense satisfaction to hang off those steep rock faces by the toes of my shoes and the tips of my fingers, searching for a rock to grip or the right ledge to place a foot.

Once you actually get to the top there's a viewpoint with a dial giving the names of the various locations in the area. Inside the column there's a metal cylinder that you pull out, which has a book and some pens in it, for hikers to sign their names. I don't know if that's a tradition elsewhere [anyone?] but it is here in many locations, and I really enjoy it as a tradition. Sort of validates the accomplishment, if you will.

Anyway, the elevation is about 700 metres [2,300 feet], which means that a relatively leisurely hike takes about an hour and 45 minutes up, and just over an hour down. Afterwards we went to the pool to soak in a hot tub - truly a wonderful end to the day - and after that to our fave burger joint for a well-earned burger and some fries. Mmm.

Incidentally, it was blazing sunshine on the way up, but while we were at the top it started to drop, and by the time we were all the way down it was pouring. BUT being properly outfitted [natch], we didn't mind. Right now temps are 12°C [54F] and sunrise was 3:05 am, sunset 11:56 pm.

BTW a Flickr set with photos may be found here.

* Nicelandic idiom, meaning 'the best part'.
