Friday, January 27, 2006


You know what drives me bananas? The extreme self-centeredness of adolescents. I heard someone say the other day that living with a teenager was like living with an alcoholic – the same degree of self-absorption. Do adolescents eventually grasp the idea that ‘parent’ does not equal ‘servant’? That ‘parent’ can actually be tatamount to ‘person’? After all, who likes to do nice things for someone if those efforts are met with utter thanklessness and a demand for more? Who, I ask you!

They just don’t get that they’re not the absolute epicenter of the universe. They really don’t. Reminds me of that old joke: How many teenagers* does it take to change a lightbulb? – Just one, to hold the lightbulb while the world revolves around him. Or her. As the case may be.

Logged on to to catch the temperatures and what do I see? The guy who was crowned Mr Iceland just a few weeks ago [that’s, like, the male version of ‘Miss Iceland’, or ‘Miss World’ in case you don’t know] has had his title removed! This announcement accompanied by some bla-deh-bla about how Mr Iceland is supposed to be a role model for a healthy lifestyle and this particular Mister has not fulfilled those expectations...

Oooh, so I wonder what he’s done? Been a bad boy. Probably gone out and smoked crack or something, or been caught fighting on a Saturday night. It’s a comfort to know, though, that old DV will surely dig up the dirt on it. Now that they can no longer publish sensational stories about one-armed teachers and such, this is probably just the sort of mediocre fare they’re looking for – sensational, but not too soul-crushing. Bet they’ll have it on the cover at the first available opportunity.

… And here I had a whole post already written about my insightful impressions of seeing Memoirs of a Geisha this evening. Ah. Maybe tomorrow. If there’s been no revelation regarding the dirt on Mr Iceland that is, which obviously must take precedence.

Same as yesterday, only less wind. And as reported on the mbl website, currently 2°C. It’s lovely, actually. Today felt like spring, only with a very early nightfall. Sunrise 10.20 and sunset 16.59.

* OK, in the original version it was ‘how many alcoholics’…