The contents of the YT brain
Well, sowanso did not win the preliminary elections held by The Alliance yesterday, and despite YT having carted her butt off to the polling station, neither did my preferred candidate. At which I can now stop thinking about this and start not caring again.
AAH is home with a fever. Second time in two weeks that she stays home because she’s sick. Who would have thought that moseying home from a school dance for an hour, barefoot and barelegged in strappy sandals and pedal pushers, in a thin nylon jacket and in sub-zero temperatures, would result in this? [certainly not AAH.]
Who would have thought that going to a party with adolescents from all over the city where everybody was drinking and getting high, and carelessly putting down your iPod somewhere, would result in it being stolen? [certainly not AAH but I’m not very mad about it because in all other respects she was a model teenager, sensible and smart and sober, Yo.]
The fee for applying for Icelandic citizenship is due to go up, but only by 1000 frigging percent so not to worry.
The Icelandic Postal Service is recruiting foreigners for postal delivery because no Icelander will do the job, except for those who are independently wealthy and can regard the ISK 100,000 or so per month as pocket money. How those poor foreigners who come here are planning to live is the question that springs to YT’s mind, seeing as how just the rental of a small apartment would eat up more than half that amount.
How can it be that the fever thermometer that two weeks ago had vanished into thin air and which no amount of combing Every Single Likely Place in the apartment would procure, has suddenly appeared Without Explanation in the very basket that was searched about a gazillion times?
The weather is superfantastic – mild and calm and sunny. Ahhh… springtime, just around the corner. Even little buds beginning to form on trees [ohno!] and crocuses poking out of the ground. Can you say ‘Greenhouse Effect’, children? Temps are now holding steady at 5°C and the sun came up at 09.30 and will go down at 17.55 although darkness will not fall until 18.47 [and that is not due to the Greenhouse Effect].
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