Thursday, May 11, 2006

Today's scandal is brougt to you by...

I’ve been pretty quiet on the Silvía Nótt front lately, but with the Eurovision Song Contest fast approaching news of daily scandals by everybody’s favourite narcissist* are a daily occurrence. The latest consists of a formal complaint by the Eurovision organizers over the ‘f-word’ in the video of the Icelandic song. Evidently this is a serious violation of Eurovision rules and has everyone out there in a panic because, well, the contest being sent out live and all. [Except that the BBC – and perhaps others – has a one-minute delay for just such a circumstance, giving them time to bleep out the offending word.]

Apparently when Silvía and co. sent in the lyrics to the song, the controversial line read, “The vote is in, they say I win,” but in the video she sings, “The vote is in, I fucking win.” Interviewed on, Silvía is quoted as saying [in English, as she refuses to speak anything but English now with reporters, in view of her upcoming megastardom], “I’m Silvía Night and I’ll do what I fucking want.”

When asked whether she intended to sing the ‘f-word’ on stage, she replied: “This is just another attempt to push me out of the contest… everyone knows I’m going to win so they’re trying to disqualify me with this sort of bullshit…. This is like the Nobel Prize in music and I could understand it if I were howling something incomprehensible like Björk, but I’m just using a word that is popular and cool.”

Meanwhile a RÚV spokesman said Silvía had signed a paper saying that she’d comply with the rules of the competition and he expected her to do so. Something tells me, though, that all those bleepers at European national TV stations will have their fingers hovering over the buttons when Silvía takes to the stage.

Our heatwave is drawing to a close it seems, with fairly cloudy skies today [occasional sunny spells though, so far] and the odd shower. Moderate winds from the east, temps currently 8°C. Daybreak today was at 02.59 [sunrise at 04.26] and nightfall is set for 23.54 [sunset at 22.24].

* Don’t know if she’s going to be ‘everyone’s favourite’ much longer – she’s been pulling stupid stunts like yesterday sending in actors dressed like her to an advertised record signing in which a whole bunch of little kids had lined up to see her. Parents were understandably enraged – and I think most people agree that the joke is starting to wear a bit thin.