Monday, August 07, 2006

Fame to claim

Well, the Iceland Weather Report is nothing if not prescient, as I've said before.

Case in point: remember a few days ago when I couldn't decide what to blog about and I mentioned Magni of Rockstarsupernova fame [who the esteemed [sic] Tommy Lee calls "Magni-ficent" heheheh snort] and I referred to said Magni as "our very own" Magni?

Remember that??

Well, according to Íslendingabók*, Magni and our very own YT are actually third cousins.


[*Íslendingabók is a genealogical database that allows any Icelander to instantly trace his or her family tree back eight or nine generations, making it very easy to know who your cousins are. Except of course if you have been wrongly fathered, in which case it would all be a big ruse and sadly rumour has it that this is more common than people know here in Niceland - though I wouldn't know. Anyway - Íslendingabók is possibly the greatest PR stunt ever invented in the history of the world, as it was created by a company called DeCode Genetics, which was easily the most unpopular company in Iceland a few years back, because they were going to use Icelanders' genealogical information to make zillions of dollars and a few other reasons as well that I won't go into now. But then they had the brilliant idea to use the genealogical information to open the Íslendingabók so everyone could trace his or her family tree and know who their cousins were as long as they were not wrongly fathered, as well as make a gazillion bucks for themselves. And suddenly everyone forgot about the reasons they disliked DeCode because they were totally in awe of the Íslendingabók and swore they would love DeCode forevermore.]

But I digress: I just wanted to let you know that you can request my autograph now via a self-addressed, stamped envelope. It's going to be worth a lot when old Magni wins Rockstarsupernova, mark my words.

Whell, I predict it's going to be sunny and warm tomorrow, because everyone has to go back to work. This weekend has been rainy and a bit cold with a hint of fall in the air; currently it's 11°C and the sun came up at 04.53 and set at 22.12.
