Thursday, September 14, 2006

Supernova bye-bye!

The suspense is over: our man Magni landed in fourth place in the rockstarsupernova circus last night. Phew! It was a close call, but in the end Canada’s own Lukas Rossi stood up as the frontman of the band that in future will be known as The Band Formerly Known as Supernova.*

Anyway, Magni is now on his way home and will be given a hero’s reception in Penis Mall [a.k.a. Smáralind] on Sunday, as is common for Icelanders who have Gone Abroad and Conquered [the last such being Unnur Birna Vilhjálmsdóttir a.k.a. Miss World, who was trotted out in Smáralind in full regalia and greeted by the Prime Minister who gave her a book].

Our Magni claims that he’s not at all upset about not winning and that in fact he expected to be axed after the first two weeks on the show so all in all he’s quite satisfied. Evidently he’s had a few offers that he’s keeping decidedly mum about, but did say that he’ll be going on a six-week tour with TBFKaS [see above] in January. Until then, he’ll be turning off his phone and spending the time playing with his son. Meanwhile, Magni’s girlfriend Eyrún is quoted in Fréttablaðið today as saying that when they get home [she was out in LA for the finals] she’ll cook up some poached fish and boiled potatoes and spend the next few months having it cosy. Keepin’ it real, like.

Okay then! That concludes our Supernova broadcast – unless such circumstances arise that warrant further reporting. As has been known to happen in the past.

We’re having the first of our International Film Festivals at the moment [the second will open at the end of the month – overkill? Or cultural sophistication?... discuss.]. Sadly I’d not found [made] time to see any of the stellar films on offer – until last night, when I went to see Tsotsi, a South African film that won the Oscar for Best Foreign Film this year. Beautiful! Truly an amazing film that manages to consistently walk a tightrope between brutality and some of the most tender emotions known to man. It begins by showing the main character as an ice-cold monster, and in the space of around 90 short minutes manages to peel away the layers to reveal his utter vulnerability, without once displaying an ounce of sentimentality. If there is a moral to the story it is that his redemption depends on his unconditional surrender on so many levels – a message that could save the world if it were put into practice by more people. Highly recommended.

Overcast and breezy with showers. The sun made an appearance a short while ago, but unfortunately bid a hasty retreat. The forecast is for sunny spells, though, so all hope is not lost. Temps are a balmy 14°C and the sun came up at 06.47 and will set at 19.58.

* On account of some court ruling that sez some other band has the right to the Supernova name.
