Sunday, June 10, 2007

After all that r&r, you'd think maybe I'd be able to come up with a title for this one

Gosh, it really is kind of hard starting up again after having not posted for an entire week. I'm so used to having the blog as a kind of permanent extension of my brain, the place where all the excess stuff goes, and now that I haven't used it for a while it's taking a bit of work to actually get things moving again. Kind of like when you've been sitting with your leg tucked up under you for a while and it starts to fall asleep and you get pins and needles when you start moving it. Or like when you haven't worn earrings in a while, and the pierced hole in your earlobe starts to close up and you have to sort of work on getting the earring through it. You know.

Anyway, I have a valid excuse in that I was away in an Internet-free zone [in Niceland? Is this possible? - apparently so] and not only Internet-free but actually people-free for almost three whole days, so I was actually able to putter around and finish all those thoughts I've been meaning to finish and take pictures of half-eaten pineapples and washed dishes and such. My Life Playing Solitaire was cut short last Wednesday evening, however, when AAH arrived per bus and demanded that we play Rummy. And hang out in the hot tub. And watch Desperate Housewives on TV.

Anyway, as you can see if you've clicked on my Flickr photostream I've also been rather busy taking photos, and will let them speak the 1,000+ words about my cottage hiatus, which on the whole was wonderful, particularly staying out with AAH until well past midnight one evening in gorgeous weather and finding lots of horses to feed our excess bread to.

We came home on Friday evening, just in time for EPI's sister's wedding on Saturday [yesterday]. She and her boyfriend finally tied the knot after living together for about ten years and producing three gorgeous children. This tends to be the Nicelandic way ... first move in together, then get pregnant [or vice-versa] and if things are still OK, then get married. Kinda like EPI and YT, who got hitched last year after a ten-year courtship. It's a fairly sensible length of time - by then you generally know if the proverbial toilet seat is going to drive you to distraction, or not. And if you're going to stay madly in love for the rest of your life, or not.

And how gorgeous it is! This is such a magical time around here - the season of the midnight sun, when the sky is iridescent for so many hours each night and there is such a benevolent peace and calm over everything. Here in the capital the sun just dips below the horizon for an hour or two each night at this time of year, but it's still bright as day [or maybe twilight] during that time since it just sort of hovers there. We had highs of around 16°C in the capital today and although not completely sunny it was still very bright and lovely. Current temps are 10°C [50F] and sunrise was at 3:05 am, sunset in a few minutes at 11:51 pm.

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