Friday, June 01, 2007

Do you think I should cut off her supply of Dr. 90210?*

YT: When I was your age, there was no such thing as plastic surgery. Well, I mean there was plastic surgery, but mostly just for people who were deformed because of accidents or whatever. Normal people weren't getting boob jobs or nose jobs or tummy tucks.

AAH: And that's why the world is a better place today.

And washing the car this afternoon was a hoot. I mean, who doesn't love soap all over them, covering their legs and blowing into their open mouth? Too bad I wasn't naked, I'd have given Jessica Simpson a run for her money. It's a bit calmer now, but it's started to rain and is set to be that way for the next several days. Meh. The good news though is that I adjusted my firewall settings so I can access Yahoo Weather now and can tell you that it's 50°F [10C] and sunrise this morning was at 3:24 am, sunset is due for 11:29 pm. Now don't you feel a whole lot better knowing that?

* See here

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