Wednesday, August 09, 2006

More about famous people

Delighted to see that one of my very favourite performers, Cate Blanchett, is in town. Evidently she was here last weekend too; while Icelanders partied up a storm and drank themselves stupid at any of the numerous outdoor festivals, old Cate and family had a quiet time at Hótel Búðir on Snæfellsnes - which is definitely one of the most amazing parts of the country [remember my hiking trip last year?]. She then returned to Reykjavík and went to Innipúkinn [literal translation: The Indoor Demon, started as an alternative music festival for those few eccentrics who choose to remain in town during the Verslunarmannahelgi madness] where she was polite and unassuming and said 'thankyouverymuch' on the way out. She also had dinner at Við tjörnina and as she had not made a reservation she was told she had to wait for a table, which by all accounts she did very gracefully. No diva-esque behavior, no sir.

Now, aren't you happy you know all that?

Incidentally, I'm still grumbling about the fact that Cate didn't win that Oscar for Elizabeth - IMHO one of the most memorable performances ever by an actress in a film role. What a complete and utter scandal - instead that blubbering Gwyneth Paltrow took home the statuette with mascara running halfway down her face. Gah! The most cringe-worthy moment ever in the history of the Oscars... well, save for that godawful acceptance speech by Halle Berry that one time.

How come I'm bitching about that now? I should be giving you...

Started out lurvvely today and YT went out for a marvellous bike ride, dahling. Then it clouded over and then it started raining but I didn't mind because by then I was in the Laugardalslaug pool soaking in the hot tub and was wet anyway. Whereas EPI was running up and down Mt. Esja and got caught in a spot of rain. Nevermind! It's currently 12°C and not raining [but heavy cloud], sunrise was at 04.59 and sundown scheduled for 22.05.