Friday, September 15, 2006

Magnisupernovarockstar again

So here I was all ready to drop the Magnisupernovarockstar thing but dang! there's just too much to tell. I mean, rockstarsupernova was adequate blog fodder and all, but believe me: now is when all the dirt is being dished. It's only been two days but already any media worth its salt has published/broadcast a Magni interview in which he holds forth at length about what really went down in the Supernova mansion. Yowsa!

So at the risk of alienating my loyal readers who come here to read about waterfalls and glaciers and immortal plumbers and such, I've decided to run with the Magnisupernovarockstar thing a little longer - so please don't leave forever, this madness will end soon!

Props to Kastljós, who flew the lovely Ragnhildur Steinunn out to LA with a big fuzzy microphone to sweet-talk her way backstage and give us 'normal' interviews with the rockstarsupernova crowd, i.e. contestants and band members. To wit:

Ragnhildur Steinunn to Tommy Lee: So do you think you will come to Iceland and play for us there?
TL: I hope so. I fucking hope so. I want to. We all want to.
RS: Do you know where it is?
TL: ... Is it close to... wait. Is it close to... wait. I'm trying to picture the map. There's Russia... Iceland... Finland... am I ... am I close?

Full segment here.

So Iceland's most 'respectable' daily got hold of our Magni and got him to dish about the experience. It's a pretty interesting interview, particularly where he talks about how devastating the isolation was at the mansion. Apparently each of the contestants had their own personal psychologist but people were still losing it, particularly towards the end. The bit where Dilana freaks out and breaks the glass that cuts Magni's head open wasn't the worst of it, according to our man. Loads of stuff went down that wasn't made public. As to how he kept his sanity: "By looking at and observing everybody else's mood swings. I just focused on everybody elses' problems. Josh was losing it at one point. I just thought about him, and not me. It totally worked." Evidently Magni was the 'father' of the house - not hard to understand why. He also got the name 'The Human Jukebox' because he could play every song there was.

Meanwhile, Fréttablaðið got even more nitty-gritty:
  • Magni's most likely going on tour with the Supernova house band in January.
  • Magni's most likely going to play a gig with his old band Á móti sól at the end of the month.
  • Magni's old employers don't want him to come back to work for 'lousy pay' - for the last seven years he's worked in a plexiglass factory to supplement his income while making music.
  • The only people who were 'unattached' in the Supernova mansion were Toby and Dana and the rest of them were always trying to get those two together but evidently without success. Apart from that, there was no hanky-panky. [shucks!]
  • Josh was Magni's best friend in the mansion. After he left, Dilana and Toby were his best friends. "It took two to fill the void because Josh was so much fun."
  • The plan isfor the house band to play a concert in Iceland in December, and Toby, Dilana and Storm want to come along. The house band, according to Magni, was the genuine article, "Probably the best band in the world. The drummer is amazing and one of the best people I've ever met."
  • Magni wouldn't have minded winning, but was truly glad that Lukas won because he needed it more than Magni. - Come again? "Yes, because I have a perfect life. And now I'll just go back to living my perfect life. But Lukas doesn't really have anyone to go back to." Except the warm embrace of the Supernova family. Aw.
Anyway, that's enough for one evening. Sunday at 4 pm there's going to be a reception in Penis Mall where some bands will warm up the crowd and finally old Magni will get up with Á móti sól and play a few songs. If only they could do away with the godawful Cabinet Minister thing [apparently the Prime Minister and the Minister for Foreign Affairs are both candidates to 'officially greet' Magni - CRINGE! - and if it must be one of the two, please let it be the PM, I'll say no more] and just let him do his songs so he can go home and schmoozle with his girlfriend and hug his son - I mean, really. Hasn't the guy suffered enough?

And finally, as to whether the experience has changed him: "Completely. I know I still love my girlfriend and my son, but apart from that I don't have anything in common with the man I was before." So there you have it.

Rained like gangbusters this morning, then we had showers, then the sun came out and it was lovely and mild - then we had showers again. Temps currently 10°C and sunrise was at 06.50, sunset at 19.54.
