S'long! S'bin a slice!
Well, we watched our neighbours get hauled away a few minutes ago after a serious sting operation involving several big – BIG – police officers who made a lot of noise, as in, OPEN THE DOOR!! OPEN THE DOOR OR WE’LL BUST IT DOWN!!! accompanied by some very loud banging. The sort of operation where the womenfolk stayed resolutely far behind, apparently ready to flee, despite the fact that the womenfolk were also police officers.
Yes dear readers, it’s been an exciting couple of days here chez YT. So exciting in fact that all the required eavesdropping has taken up a vast amount of time, and I have been neglecting Very Important Aspects of my Life, such as watching television [who needs it?], making tea, knitting and even - on occasion - working.
The cops first turned up two nights ago, around 10 pm, in plain clothes. Two of them. By that time the neighbours had been partying straight for around 24 hours, after an absence of around three days. [If you recall, they kept disappearing.] The officers knocked on the door and requested a short interview with the resident churl, who got very aggressive and excited on the other side of the door and refused to let them in. They left quietly, but as they did I saw two cruisers and one police van standing by.
Yesterday morning, with the party still in full swing [can you say ‘amphetamine’?], the cops turned up again. This time they were in full uniform and there were more of them. Around four or five, if I’m not mistaken. And again they were resolutely refused entry.
By around midnight last night, the music was still blaring and EPI and I were looking forward to yet another night with our ears full of silicon. Then suddenly it stopped, and the whole party vacated the area. I couldn’t believe our luck! However, evidently this was not by chance – the cops were there again, this time on account of the noise. Supposedly.
Then this morning, who should turn up but the girlfriend and boy, was she pissed off! She and her friend had a shouting match with Mr Tattooed Churl [ping! clearly they’ve broken up…] in which she threatened to call the cops on him at noon if… [something or other, that I didn’t catch]. She went on to elaborate: “I'M NOT GOING TO LOSE ISK 200,000 [USD 3,000] JUST BECAUSE I DID THAT ASSHOLE A FAVOUR!!” This particular scene ended with the two friends storming off and slamming the gate, and Mr Tattoo tossing a couple of green [a.k.a. black, like they always are] garbage bags out through the door, and slamming it HARD. [Willing to bet it was her stuff.] And waddayaknow! At 12 o’clock noon sharp a bunch of cops turned up again… and this time they were admitted inside.
I thought that would be The End for our 24-hour party people, but after the good officers had remained inside a while and asked people for ID and such, they just left. Disappointing, to be sure. Little did I know that they would be returning for the thrilling sting operation this evening.
There were around seven of them and they were inside for ages. Every now and again they’d come out and consult with each other or with the station via phone, and from this we gleaned that there were indeed narcotics involved. [Duh!]
When about an hour had passed, they brought one girl outside and took her away. Then another girl, and took her away. And finally, our tattooed friend, who was bundled into the back seat of their cruiser, looking positively deflated.
So I guess that means we can sleep soundly tonight AND have the window open. All night. Life is good.
I knew you’d ask. The weather is actually very nice – damp, calm, with temps of around 6°C. Sunrise this morning was at 09.10 and sunset this afternoon at 17.11.
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