Wednesday, February 14, 2007

In the meantime...

Jude Law is in town with his kids [on Valentine's Day, gasp!] and was spotted cavorting with them in the Laugardalslaug swimming pool yesterday. According to reports he was chatty and amiable and acted like, you know, just one of the common people.

Which of course begs the question: did he or didn't he get naked in the shower? - That's what I want to know.

Anyway, they're having nice weather - yesterday was beautiful, cool with brilliant sunshine and clear skies. Our amazing light has returned following the onslaught of winter darkness and what a difference it makes. We have the most beautiful light in the world up here, I'm convinced of it. Today it's a balmy 4°C and a little windy, with a thin layer of clouds. Sunrise was at 9.27 and sunset is due for 17.58.
