Monday, January 29, 2007


Hitherto, YT has not been known for her knitting prowess. Nonetheless I did manage to put together one Nicelandic sweater in the last couple of years that turned out so well that AAH actually requested one for herself. [By bizarre coincidence, they also happen to be trendy right now.]

Now, not being the sort of mother who spends her evenings sitting in front of the radio and knitting [much], AAH's sweater has taken several months to complete. And I say that with the full knowledge that several of my esteemed readers are like sleek Porches to a ratty old Lada [i.e. me] when it comes to skills and finesse in knitting and are probably tut-tutting away at YT's tardiness [kidding].

So last night, The Sweater was officially finished and washed and ready to go.

Detail, in case you missed the gold part:

Incidentally, Icelandic sheep are known for the quality and the colours of their wool. Did you know that? Apparently there is no other sheep breed with fleece that is actually coloured, as in black, red, white and gold.* Also, they have a special type of fleece that is matted and very warm next to the body, with longer hairs on the outside to resist the wind and rain. Sort of like natural Gore-tex. All forged in response to the Nicelandic elements - because as Icelandophiles and regular readers will know, Icelandic sheep roam wild during the summer months and aren't rounded up until the fall. Consequently, Icelandic wool has an extraordinary warmth - more so than wool from other breeds. And I'm not just saying that because, you know, I'm biased. I've tested it on my own body and I assure you it's true.

More random factoids: My mother was the first person to bring Icelandic sheep to North America, at least during the last century. She flew over a couple of planeloads in the 1980s to keep and breed on her farm in Ontario and has returned every now and again for some sperm. [From rams] She's quite a pioneer and has done amazing work in introducing and promoting Icelandic sheep over there. Very cool. If you'll remember I took some photos last summer: here and here and here.

It's windy and overcast and wet. We've had drizzle since early this morning and very little good the extended daylight does, since it's all grey and gloomy anyway. Right now it is 8°C here in the capital [46.4 F] and up north in Akureyri it's an incredible 10°C. And sunrise today was at 10.18, sunset will be at 17.05.

* I jest: they're actually grey, black, brown and white.

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