Tuesday, January 16, 2007

And the Swampy goes to....

The esteemed 'Tim Stannard' [real name Timbo] of Timboland, has declared The Iceland Weather Report the recipient of his 2006 Swampy Award for Best Non-British Blog. Whoo-hoo!


Eh? Time's up? Waddayamean time's up?? I only just got my... mfbldungsnmdg....

Thanks Tim!

So I went out yesterday morning all surreptitious like to snatch the poor little abandoned houseplant up into my welcoming arms. Only, when I went to snatch it, I found that far from being a light and airy little house plant like it made itself out to be, it was heavy as a muthaf***er, to the point that I was almost maimed beyond repair.* By which I mean that in trying to schlep it through the snow and in through my front door I slipped and sort of half-fell [yet still maintaining full dignity, please note], dropped the pot [which thankfully did not land on my foot], and pulled a muscle in my right leg. Plus on waking up this morning the muscles in my arms and shoulders were killing me.

So now the poor innocent abandoned little houseplant is convalescing downstairs in the laundry room. Although since it did look suspiciously brown around the roots, one is reluctantly forced to admit that its hope for survival is slim, at best.

Ah, well. We tried. Hope springs eternal, and all that.

... Seeing as how we have -6°C at the moment and the wind is set to be 10-18 m/s later today. So - cold, dry, with a thin cloud cover. The sun came up at 10.53 and will set at 16.23. And by the end of January we're supposed to have three more hours of daylight than we did during the winter solstice. Phew!

* Imagine how heavy those clay pots are. Now imagine how heavy they are when filled with soil and water. Now imagine the water frozen, and you'll get the picture. That sucker must have weighed around 50 kg [110 lbs.] Gah!
