Sunday, January 13, 2008

And she doesn't even hang out with a bad crowd

AAH went to a party Friday night, at some kid's house in what she calls austurborgin [eastern part of the city] but which is more like around Grettisgata. While there, her purse was stolen. She'd stashed it in the kid's bedroom and even made sure to have it out of the way, so it wasn't obvious. It contained her wallet with her debit card, cell phone, iPod video, all her makeup, a new blouse she'd just bought that day, her keys [meaning we had to change the locks yesterday], her friend's brand-new cell phone, and an assortment of other stuff.

A similar thing happened a couple of years ago: she put her brand-new iPod down somewhere at a party and when she went back for it, it was gone, never to be found again.

I am officially appalled. When the hell did teenagers become so depraved?


Blustery and a chilly, with a sprinkling of the white stuff on the ground. Always a pleasure. Incidentally, went out to a movie this evening - Persepolis - absolutely great. Funny, intelligent, sassy and smart. It's based on a graphic novel about a girl growing up in Iran amidst social upheaval, revolution, war, extremism. A born rebel, her parents send her to Europe because she can't keep her mouth shut and they fear for her safety. I'll say no more [partly because the plot doesn't begin to do justice to the scope of the film], just - if you get a chance, see it. Current temps -1°C and feels like -6°C with the blustery wind [30F, feels like 21]. Sun came up at 11 and set at 4.02 pm.

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