Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Iceland Weather Repoty

Welcome to the Iceland Weather Repoty. Yes, dear readers, someone actually searched for this last night and found this website, after which they splashed around in these murky waters for a total of 7 minutes and 52 seconds, and viewed 6 pages. Which I suppose is all a testimony to the fact that Google is invincible and is not above washing the feet of the linguistically feeble [witness all those porno doogs], and moreover guides them gently and lovingly to green pastures where they may while away their 7 minutes and 52 seconds in carefree repose, amen.

OR, it just means YT has too much time on her hands, sifting through google searches and checking stats.

Which incidentally I do not, in fact I am flailing around in turbulent waters these days, having a workload that would easily sink the Titanic three times over, which is why I can only spout inane drivel and why you, dear readers, are not receiving well-crafted, insightful exposés on, say, the heated, ongoing debate about whether or not Niceland should adopt the euro and, by extension, whether we should finally, once and for all, definitively, no more sitting on the fence, join the freaking European Union. And why I can only write sentences that are barely coherent and go on and on, like the one above.

I guess maybe I should make myself a cup of strong coffee. Because, like, it's only 10 o'clock in the morning and I have a full day of mental exertion ahead. Wish me luck.

A moment ago I looked out my window and it was like looking at a wall of white. We're back down to flurries now, lots of them drifting around lazily like they're not in a hurry to go anywhere, like they're planning to stick around until, oh, the beginning of July. Which is what it feels like around here - that this winter will last forever. Temps -3°C [27F] and sunrise was at 8.41 and sunset due for 6.41.

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