Grope a ram, win a prize!
You’ll be happy to know that the annual ram groping contest will be held on Strandir [northeast Iceland] this coming weekend. Ram groping, apparently, is a recognized sport up there. The contest is divided into two categories, one for experienced and another for inexperienced gropers. It is conducted as follows: a group of experienced judges choose five different rams and secretly rate them in order of excellence. The aim of the competition is for contestants to come as close as possible to that order.
Think I'm kidding? I assure you I'm not. The contest kicks off at 2 pm. Icelandic meat soup will be served, along with a cake buffet.
And has launched an effort to get Icelandic drivers to use their indicators. And not a moment too soon I tell you! I suspect when God was handing out the ability to use indicator lights, the Icelanders were off groping rams. A large portion of drivers here consider it, oh, optional at best. I mean, why would people care that the reason you’re suddenly stopping in the middle of the street is because you’re about to make a turn? Still others use them as an afterthought, as if to say: “Oh yeah, I just turned that corner back there.” If there’s a pet peeve I have here in Iceland, it’s when people don’t use their indicators. And, well, the traffic culture in general, which is appalling [don't get me started - please - don't!]. So don’t use yer indicator, sucker, and get slapped with an ISK 5,000 fine - that person guffawing on the sidelines will be YT. Mwhahahahahahaha!
Has been kind of nasty today. Adequately warm, but too much of that pesky wind that has the power to make life miserable up here on the ice cube. Mind you, we’ve chosen to live in the biggest rokrassgat [literally: wind assho... er, rectum] in Reykjavík, also known as the funky West End [yeah right, who are we kidding!] so I guess we don’t have a right to complain. Why can’t we just be suitably suburban and live somewhere sheltered? To summarize: a windy day with some rain. Temps currently 12°C. Sunrise was at 05.39, sunset at 21.20.
NB. Photo is unrelated to post content. Anyway that's a sheep, not a ram.
Think I'm kidding? I assure you I'm not. The contest kicks off at 2 pm. Icelandic meat soup will be served, along with a cake buffet.
And has launched an effort to get Icelandic drivers to use their indicators. And not a moment too soon I tell you! I suspect when God was handing out the ability to use indicator lights, the Icelanders were off groping rams. A large portion of drivers here consider it, oh, optional at best. I mean, why would people care that the reason you’re suddenly stopping in the middle of the street is because you’re about to make a turn? Still others use them as an afterthought, as if to say: “Oh yeah, I just turned that corner back there.” If there’s a pet peeve I have here in Iceland, it’s when people don’t use their indicators. And, well, the traffic culture in general, which is appalling [don't get me started - please - don't!]. So don’t use yer indicator, sucker, and get slapped with an ISK 5,000 fine - that person guffawing on the sidelines will be YT. Mwhahahahahahaha!
Has been kind of nasty today. Adequately warm, but too much of that pesky wind that has the power to make life miserable up here on the ice cube. Mind you, we’ve chosen to live in the biggest rokrassgat [literally: wind assho... er, rectum] in Reykjavík, also known as the funky West End [yeah right, who are we kidding!] so I guess we don’t have a right to complain. Why can’t we just be suitably suburban and live somewhere sheltered? To summarize: a windy day with some rain. Temps currently 12°C. Sunrise was at 05.39, sunset at 21.20.
NB. Photo is unrelated to post content. Anyway that's a sheep, not a ram.
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