Monday, August 14, 2006

Þingvellir rejuvenation

Was feeling a bit poorly yesterday [tired, under the weather] so EPI and I decided to head to Þingvellir to visit his brother and sister-in-law, who bought a cottage there a few months back. Þingvellir, incidentally, is where the Eurasian and American tectonic plates are pulling apart at a rate of around 1 cm per year [as in, the continents are moving apart and it's visible at Þingvellir], and also where the world's first democratic parliament was established. To Icelanders, it's a sacred place.

Somehow Þingvellir is a natural pick-me-up. There is so much energy there [on account of the perpetually-ongoing geological activity, perhaps] that after some tea, homemade pönnukökur [Icelandic crepes rolled up with sugar or jam/whipped cream] and excellent company, not to mention a refreshing walk around the area, I felt a million times better.

I had my camera on hand:

The grassy shore of Lake Þingvallavatn, Iceland's largest lake, which is purported to be extremely cold. Wouldn't want to find out the hard way [brrr].


The water is absolutely crystal-clear.

Angelica growing on the shore, a ubiquitous sight in Iceland.

Can you spot the ptarmigan in this photo? They're masters of camouflage, turning white in winter. Still, that doesn't stop them from being hunted almost to the point of extinction.

Icelandic moss, soft as a mattress. It takes hundreds of years to grow and is all over the countryside.

Meadow buttercups, one of the more common wildflowers in Iceland. Set among moss and lichen-encrusted rocks.

A small model church that someone has made in their garden. There was a light inside, which is presumably turned on when it's dark.

Haven't been out yet, but I suspect it's a bit chilly. There's a wind, and a nip of cold coming through the window. Temps are 12°C according to the website so that's quite tolerable; will find out soon enough as am heading out for a noon-time run. Patches of blue in the sky amongst cumulous clouds. Sun came up at 05.15 and will go down at 21.48.
